Inspirational women

Happy International Women's Day!

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

Its origin can be traced back to 1908, when social unrest began occurring in groups of working women, who at the time of big industrialization began campaigning for better work conditions, equal pay, and the right to vote.

Today, we still fighting for equal rights, equal pay and equal opportunities for women. As much as the world progressing there are still a lot of places that discriminate women...
We want to celebrate every single woman out there who works, fights and makes the difference in the world every single day!



Maye Musk is a Canadian–South African model and dietitian. Also the mother of Elon Musk, Kimbal Musk, and Tosca Musk, she has been a model for 50 years, appearing on the covers of magazines including Time. The New York Post asserted her self-earned fame by declaring she is "a star in her own. At 71 she lives at her fullest braking all the beloved about the age. She is traveling the world educating people on nutrition, walking runways of NY, Milan and Paris fashion week, and spending time with her family that includes 11 grandchildren! 

Greta Thunberg, the 16 year-old Swedish climate activist who camped at parliament in Stockholm last year to demand action on global warming. 

Greta didn’t believe that the adults will figure out the climate change and it would all be OK. And from that refusal to be placated grew a global movement that this brought hundreds of thousands of children and young people out of their schools and onto the streets in more than 70 countries, all echoing her demand for an end to platitudes and the start of real action. ‘No one is too small to make a difference’. She also got nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019

Ellen Degeners is an American comedian, television host, actress, writer, and producer. She's also an advocate for LGBTQ rights and inspired million of women to fight for their rights and speak up!

DeGeneres has hosted the Academy Awards, Grammy Awards, and the Primetime Emmys. She has authored four books and started her own record company, Eleveneleven, as well as a production company, A Very Good Production. She also launched a lifestyle brand, ED Ellen DeGeneres. She has won 30 Emmys, 20 People's Choice Awards (more than any other person), and numerous other awards for her work and charitable efforts. In 2016, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. On January 5, 2020, DeGeneres won the Golden Globes Carol Burnett Lifetime Achievement Award.


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